Tuesday, May 28, 2019

MIB :: essays research papers

SummaryMen In Black is a obscure organization of people who do their best in saving the world. The people of MIB are specially trained to save the world from aliens who try to destroy the world. The grade is about two people named, Kay and Jay, who save the world from an alien bug, named Edgar. Jay was recruited into the organization, after meeting Kay. The organization is made up of men, women, and aliens.The book is about an officer named throng Edward III (Jay) who meets a man in a black suit from an organization, the man name Kay. Jay meets Kay at a park after Jay gets into an incident with a disappearing man. Then Jay gets into the organization and is shown the headquarters.Then Jay finds more about the plant and understands how the government is really lying to the people about the alien sighting. Jay goes on his outgrowth assignment with Kay to find out about more incidences that have occurred in the past few days. They both go to a naked as a jaybirdsstand and Kay picks up a new paper on tabloids and tells Jay that this was their resource.Then the two go off to a farm to find out more an alien that stole her husbands skin. Kay examines the place and the wreck that the alien left. They leave the farm and go to the city and find the man, but they could not do anything to stop him so the y let him get away. Then Kay meets a friend in a restaurant who dies, so Kay and Jay take the body to an autopsy to help his friend and then the skirt that works thither finds out who they are.The next night Kay and Jay figured out what the alien, Edgar, was going to do and where he was going to do it. They both go there and stop Edgar from destroying the world with the help of the lady from the autopsy, El. They kill Edgar and Kay tells Jay the he was going to retire and that El was going to be his new partner.Character ListKayA white male who is in his mid to late 40s. Role in novelHe is one out of who save the world from Edgar.JayA black male who is in his early 3 0s.Role in novelHe is the other person who saves the world from Edgar.

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